Friday 21 December 2012



The big question why should there be limits on what a model can be whether it is size, gender, age and race. The fashion industry continues to push for skinny, tall, young and even white models.

The size zero debate that has been going on for so many years and even though small changes are being made by designers.. size zero stays as the ideal model size.


When the average British women weighs 11st and is a size 14 

Why can't we see some more REAL people in the fashion industry

It has even gone as far as using male models who look quite antagonistic to model female clothing because they can have physically skinner frames. Example shown below of andrej pejic who has taken the industry by storm as a male modelling female designs.

The point of this competition is to push the boundaries of the models that are used in the fashion world and try and make it more diversified.

I did know where to begin at the beginning of this project.. However ever since the paralympian games in the UK the 'super human' (paralympian) have made a real name for them selves and made I think everyone aware of how incredible they. They are amazing role models.. know matter what has happened to these people that has give them their disability they push to win like anyone else. 

I researched and found out about a young  paralympian called Sally Brown who at only 18 has won a bronze medal. My dad had gone to an event when she had been awarded young sports personality of the year awarde and had a long dicusson with her so though I could maybe get in contact with her about being my possible model. 

She has very striking features with her quirky freckles and strawberry blonde hair and has her left arm up to her elbow. here are some images of her below.


This film above is her being interviewed about all her achievements

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